Since yesterday it’s exactly 6 months that we are on the road to “eastbound” the world. We think that this is a good moment to thank all of you for your great support and for following our adventure. Your “virtual participation” means a lot to us!
So far we saw beautiful places in 15 countries, drove 22.000 kilometers on every kind of roads, visited 4 SOS Childrens Villages and met many many great people! And to be honest: no matter where, when or with whom – all of our experiences have been amazingly positiv! Maybe it’s because most of the people are nice if you only face them with a smile – independently of their country, ethnical background, culture or language…
We hope that we could communicate our emotions and impressions in a realistic and authentic way so you were able to share them with us!
And now let’s get ready for 6 more months, +15 more countries, ??? more kilometers and MANY MANY more nice people! Stay tuned and SMILE!
Hugs n kisses 🙂
Your Eastbounders.
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Martin: We hit the road direction Manali, which continues to offer us incredible sceneries and spectacular views. Again, we drive from one valley to the next, slowly we reach different vegetation zones, from bold mountains we start seeing some bushes until we are surrounded by beautiful forest and driving in the valley next to a river we get the impression of driving somewhere in the Austrian Alps. Even though it´s being said that there is no gas station between Leh and Manali, after approx. 380 kilometers we find one in Tandi…driving downhill in neutral gear pays off, as we reach the gas station with still more than 4 litres left in our tanks. We continue and after almost 3 weeks driving in mostly uninhabitated area, the population and traffic increases by kilometer. As it gets dark we reach Koxar and decide to stay there overnight. The only thing seperating us now from Manali is the Rotang pass, said to be the hardest to drive pass on the trip.
Sebastian: Sooo, where were we…? In Leh, the turning point for all tourists who want to travel the wonderful area of northern India. We got everything arranged for the necessary permits and on we went to conquer the highest mountable road in the world to reach the Kardung La pass.
We get up early with the idea in mind that we might see a beautiful sunrise on top but get surprised by the chilly temperatures on the way up. Nevertheless that doesn’t change that yet again sun is shining (we didn’t leave in time so the sun had already rosen) and we are enjoying a great view over the + 6000 meter high mountains right in front of us. It is, as so many moments on this trip, just breathtaking. We are happy when we get a chance to take some pictures with a group of ladies who are on the way to their yaks for milking them and surprised when they almost pose like models:).
Martin: We hit the border in the morning and again, we don´t face any problems entering India. The city Amritsar is close to the border and we decide to take it easy and spent the night there. We change the plan immediately after entering the city. Even though it seems quite nice, it´s hell to drive with the bike. Traffic is massive, it´s hot and humid and the streets in the old town are so narrow that it´s hard to get through with our bikes. After a riksha driver tore down Sebastian’s right suitcase without bothering to stop (luckily without breaking it) and me getting stuck in one of the narrow streets because a trailer blocked the way (with the owner sitting right next to it just watching me being unable to get through and moving it only after me asking him to do so), we draw the line and decide to go directly to Dharamsala to see if the Dalai Lama is home.
Sebastian: We arrive at the border with the military escort which accompanied us since shortly before Bam (not one, but different escorts). They help us to find the right places to get the carnet de passage done and to double the line for getting our stamps in the passport. It takes us maximum 30-40 minutes to get out of Iran. When we arrive in Pakistan the first difference to notice is that people speak English and that all the guys that want to offer us the best exchange rates wear pyjamas… interesting!
Martin: We leave Teheran direction to the highway where we are stopped by a police officer in front of the toll station telling us that motorbikes are not allowed on the highway and that we have to take the old country road. While explaining me how to get there, a motorbike police officer stops by and after two minutes of discussion between them he tells me we are free to go („you will not find the old country road anyways“), but asks us to drive on the emergency lane („because the cars on the highway drive really fast“). This guy has obviously no idea what we have between our legs 🙂
Martin: „Welcome“ is the first we hear from one of the Armenian border guards. Entering Armenia turns out not to be a problem, you buy a visa for $6 and again they don´t bother about a bike insurance.
The landscape in Northern Armenia is once again spectacular, as you drive on about 2000m elevation on sandy looking highlands and the road takes us right away to Yerewan. Driving through that scenery makes the both of us think that this is how Mongolia or Tibet must be like (in our imagination of course, as none of us had ever been there :-)). People are yet very friendly again, waving to us when we pass by and when we stop, there is someone with us right away asking if we need help.
Martin: We arrive at the Turkish border expecting the outward voyage will be the same like coming into Turkey. Far away 🙂
The atmosphere at the border is super chaotic, people are running hectically around and cars and trucks seem to park wherever they wish to. It takes us almost half an hour to figure out how the system works (of course again with the help of Turkish fellas, who showed mercy with us :-)): when you get to the border, stop your vehicle wherever you find space, then run to the pass control counter. The chances are good that loads of people are already standing in front of it pushing each other around to be the next to get the passport stamped. So use your elbows gently and work yourself through the crowd. After you repeated the same procedure with the vehicle registration counter you´re done. Sometimes you might have to wait because one of the counter officers decides to go for tea break – without replacement of course 🙂
Sebastian: We leave Uchisar as usual a little bit late but and decide to take a little detour to visit the Erciyes Dagi volcano (3.891m). On the way there the flat sand and grass underground next to the street make me want to go off-road. I cant hold it and I tell Martin, that I will take a short timeout and do a couple of 100 m alongside the road. Its beautiful, the ground is soft and easy to ride and the bike has no problems whatsoever to control the terrain – even fully loaded.